The most relaxing place in the world (at least for me) – Lake District – was our last year’s holiday. We went there only for three days, but we did a load of things there. It all started with a coach, which we joined from a bus stop. I was a bit bored first of all, but then when we stopped at the Balaji Temple the fun began.

All the other temples I had been to were pretty good, but this temple was the best one of them all. The cobbled paths were decorated with beautiful patterns and the windows were covered with colourful bells. The temple was enormous, but the best bit was when I saw the swings! We spent ages enjoying there and it was just a slice of the big trip. After that, not wasting a second, we got back to our coach and began the long journey.

I still remember, it was 6 pm when we finally stepped on the green grass of Lake District. There we got huge (or you can say really huge) scoops of ice-cream and that was the first time when I felt full with it.

Me still relishing on the scrumptious ice-cream, we went to try out the cruise. The views were awesome, the birds flew high and the ripples of the river jumped every moment. Ahead of us, was an exquisite village, but we did not stop there as it was already late and we had to go to the hotel.

Consequently, we went to play in a beautiful garden which had tall trees, embodied with flowers.

After that, went back to our coach, it took us an hour or so to reach the hotel. As soon as we reached we had our dinner and dozed off.


The next morning, it was 9 o’clock, we went to a small nice town in the city, where ducks and swans surrounded us. We excitedly fed them.

The swans bit was followed by a really interesting part of the trip, THE ROAD TRAIN. It was really cool to ride a train all around the city on the road. And then we also wrote postcards to our teachers.

The next part of the day was the second best part of the trip, when we climbed a mountain!!!!!!!!! First time in our life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then the biggest slice of the trip came up, it was the slice with the most toppings. ME AND MY BROTHER ACTUALLY CLIMBED A TREE. I loved it!

In conclusion, I would like to say that Lake District was a memorable experience for us and I really recommend you to go there!